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    To register and submit your application to the ONO’U WORLD GRAFFITI CONTEST 2017

To register and submit your application to the ONO’U WORLD GRAFFITI CONTEST 2017

To register and submit your application to the ONO’U WORLD GRAFFITI CONTEST 2017:

1. Download the Contest Rules below
2. Print and sign each page after reviewing it
3. Sign the last page preceded by the written […]

ONO’U 2015 : Round 3, team wall painting

Third and last qualifying round before the finale. Competitors will be randomly divided in teams of 2 and given 2 days to complete a themed wall painting of approx. 50m².

ONO’U 2015 : Round 2, Scenery & Character

Second day of competition starts. Candidates are given five hours to complete a setting and/or character in compliance and coherence with a theme selected at random. Media of approx. 6m x 2m.



Polynésie 1ère : Ono’u 2015, le verdict

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    Polynésie 1ère : Finale du Festival Ono’u, REPORTEE AU DIMANCHE 10 MAI à partir de 11h


Polynésie 1ère : Finale du Festival Ono’u, REPORTEE AU DIMANCHE 10 MAI à partir de 11h

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Polynésie 1ère : Qui sait graffer en tahitien ?

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